Every night for the past few weeks I have been looking at this stack of books that are on my night stand and I can't help but laugh to myself a little. I spend a lot of time in the airport traveling - almost every other weekend- to see Jon and these books have been my reading material over the past few months.
Some may find reading an etiquette book to be boring but I actually enjoy being educated on things like that...so I read Emily Post Wedding Etiquette from front to back except for the part about different cultures joining together in marriage because the only thing culturally different between me and Jon is that he is a Raven's fan and I am a Steelers fan.
Colin Cowie Wedding Chic was a gift from my mom - she saw it in a store in California and brought it back to me...it has some nice pictures in it and its good for when I don't actually want to read.
A Brides Book is a wedding planning guide but I find very annoying so I am not using it....I am the queen of to-do lists and staying organized but I am also very OCD when it comes to how I do it...so I prefer my own excel spreadsheets and not to be confined to a pre-printed planning book. Plus, I found that there is a lot of excess paper in there.....like I don't really need to know my bridesmaid's measurments...I trust them to pick out a dress that will actually fit them. And it annoys me when I have to write N/A.... yeah, I know - O.C.D.
But then there is the book by Tucker Maxx....I know, I know, not the most lady-like book but frankly, I find him to be a fantastic writer and hilarious. (Although side note - I am not so sure that his life is all that much crazier or more fun than any normal college student, I just think he is a really good writer and can make it sound cooler). I swear, Tucker decided to put almost all of the times that he used the "F" word in giant bold print in this book - which I didn't remember from his first book. I was reading this book on an airplane ride back from Las Vegas in December while I was sitting in the middle seat....I was having a hard time containing my laughter but I was also a little bit self conscious of what the 2 people were thinking of me reading a book with such vulgar language. I was a bit self conscious but I didn't think that anyone would actually say anything! I was wrong.....the guy sitting next to me goes "I don't mean to be nosey but I can't help but notice how bad the language in that book is! You don't look like the type of girl that would be reading something like that." Didn't his mother ever teach him that its rude to stare?! I am sure if he had read Emily Post's Etiquette book he would have known that.....