Some of my experiences as a bride-to-be

Thursday, June 23, 2011

How does this last?

Its been a while since this soon-to-be bride has written about wedding planning because since I have moved to Baltimore I have been so pre-occupied getting adjusted and enjoying my new home and life that I have really forgotten about all of the details of the wedding! Ok, maybe not forgotten, but I think the last dream I had about half full jars of candy was at least 2 and a half months ago :)  My type A personality doesn't really allow me to not worry about anything, so I have resorted to worrying about where Jon and I are going to live.  We have started the process to buy a house and have a few leads going-- wish us luck!!  I think I might be crazy for trying to learn a new job, buy a house and get married all within the span of a few months, but hey thats what keeps life exciting, right?!

Moving onto wedding updates! I had 2 wonderful bridal showers this past weekend and the weekend before.

After almost a year of planning the wedding and stressing over all the details, it was a nice change to know that someone else was doing the hosting and all I had to do was show up and enjoy myself.  I was so fortunate to have multiple people offer to host a shower for me - my mom and I thought it would be best to split the showers up into 3 groups - one for my family and mom's friends, one for Jon's family and his moms friends and then my friends from college who live in the Baltimore/DC area and then one with my bridesmaids, their moms and our lake friends. Two weeks ago my Aunts had a cocktail party themed bridal shower for me and then this past weekend Jon's mom's friends hosted a pink and black themed dinner party shower for me.  Both were so great and I was so humbled by all of the work the hosts put into making the evenings special for me.

At the cocktail themed party, my Aunt, whom I will call A.H.  decided that she wanted to have a signature cocktail drink - something like a cosmo or cranberry martini but didn't want to use martini glasses because they took up too much space.  She knew that she had champagne flutes which took up less space and still went with the cocktail party theme- so Bellini's came to mind.  A.H., my mom and her friends are the type of ladies I aspire to be for reasons like this -- A.H. knew it wasn't proper to serve Bellini's at an evening cocktail party because Bellini's are morning drinks.  HAH I would have thought, champagne, peach nectar, sounds like a party - no A.H. knew she needed to get a little bit more creative - so she and my uncle opened up their liquor cabinet and spent an entire evening playing bartenders and taste testing the perfect signature drink for my bridal shower.  What did they come up with? A Can-Bellini-tini which took a component from a cranberry martini and a peach Bellini to make a hybrid drink proper enough to serve at my evening bridal shower.  They were quite delicious and I appreciated the effort in making sure the signature cocktail was appropriate for the time of the party :)

The shower that Jon's mom's friends hosted for me was unique in itself because none of the 5 ladies that planned and hosted the shower for me had ever met me. They had no idea what my tastes were or anything. Either Jon's mom did a great job of explaining what I like to them or we all just have similar taste because everything was wonderful.  The decor was so cute - everything was white and black with pink accents and included fun personalized details like pictures of Jon and I together and as we were growing up with "fun facts" on the back like "Jamie and Jon met at a frat party" or "Jamie and Jon have estimated that they traveled over 36,000 miles visiting each other over the past 2 years".  There were even 3 beautiful hand made cakes that went along with the theme, which was the perfect ending for a girl like me with a massive sweet tooth.

Dessert was served to all the guests while I started opening up gifts, so I didn't get to enjoy it with everyone else, but once I was done I went over to try the cake that everyone had been raving about and the lady who had baked them asked me which one I would like to try?  I had my pick of vanilla and raspberry with butter cream, chocolate, dark chocolate and butter cream or Chocolate cake with Bailey's creme filling and chocolate icing.  I said "Could I have a little taste of each?" and her response was "You can have whatever you want?"  I thought to myself, "wow, this is pretty amazing" and said "How long does this last? that I can get whatever I want?" and her response was "Until the day after the wedding".   Darn.  Its a good thing Jon and I have a butler on our honeymoon, so I guess the real answer is September 19th - the party is over and its up to Jon to keep me happy after that.  Good luck, J.Ro ;)